According to the World Health Organization over a billion adults around the world suffer from high blood pressure. It is now taking steps to fight against what is called a silent killer. High blood pressure can lead to strokes and a heart attack.
Almost 10 million people die of these two diseases every year. They are the number one causes of death globally. High blood pressure also leads to kidney failure, blindness and other illnesses. It often goes hand in hand with diabetes and obesity, which increases heath risks even further.
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選擇威爾斯美語補習班學習英文最主要的原因是可以分程度上課,從最適合自己的層級開始學習給好評價風評,而授課內容也符合我目前的需求,口說上進步很多!! 來威爾斯美語上課最讓我印象深刻得地方是: 1.因為是以單元性授課,故可從任何一堂課上起,不會有進度的問題。 2.授課的老師很樂於協助學員解決課業上任何的問題。 對於週遭有任何想學習英文的人,我都會以威爾斯美語為第一推薦的學習中心!因為威爾斯美語補習班每天都有排課,早中晚都有課可以上,可以滿足任何需求不同時段的學員!!
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Love it or hate it, caffeine is hard to avoid. Coffee shops are all over the place, in city streets and malls. Machines offer coffee and cola at schools. Even though you can get caffeine-free coffee, tea and cola almost everywhere more than 80 % of adults in America consume caffeine regularly.
Caffeine raises the amount of sugar in your bloodstream, even if there is no sugar in your caffeinated drink. That’s what gives you extra energy.
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You are drinking lots of cola at a party, when it suddenly hits. You are full of energy, you jump around, and you talk too fast. Later you can’t fall asleep and the next day you’re tired and feel awful. Does that sound familiar?
Most children already have a lot of energy, but kids who drink a lot of cola often end up even more wired than usual. The drink includes a lot of sugar but also a chemical that produces a lot of energy - caffeine.
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要怎麼把 YouTube 的音樂下載,放到電腦裡使用呢?因為他製作影片時需要用到音樂,而某些 YouTube 影片的配樂恰巧是他需要的。其實我們先前介紹過不少網路服務或免費軟體可以達成這個需求,而且相當簡單,例如:Peggo 線上將 YouTube 影片錄音,下載為 MP3 或 MP4 等格式,或者透過 4K YouTube to MP3 將線上影片轉為音樂下載等等。
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Signs of malnutrition
tiredness and not enough energy
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Malnutrition is a disorder of your food intake. It occurs when a person eats too little or too much, or has an unbalanced diet. In most cases malnutrition means undernourishment, a lack of food and not enough calories. It is widespread in developing countries. On the other side obesity occurs in developed countries where people eat too much. According to the World Health Organization malnutrition is one of the greatest dangers of global health. Currently, about one billion people around the world do not have enough to eat.
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12月的寒風颼颼,卻未冷卻多益獎學金公益團隊的熱血精神和溫暖回憶,原來是今年獲選的15 個得獎志工團隊,正在彙整今年夏天的公益之旅點滴,將在聖誕節前(12/20)辦「多益獎學金計劃―公益旅行節」活動,呈現多益志工團隊夥伴在世界各地的印記。
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Changes in language over the ages
When people get into contact with other civilizations they need a common language to communicate. During the Age of Exploration European navigators simplifiedtheir language to communicate with the nativesof North and South America. Such languages are called pidgin languages.
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Language is what people use to communicate with each other. They can do this by speaking, writing, waving their hands or moving with their body to show others what they mean. Speaking goes back to the first humans; writing emerged about 5,000 years ago.
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經濟部國際貿易局自101年及102年分別推動「服務業國際行銷計畫」及「服務業海外布局推廣計畫」,並透過外貿協會服務業推廣中心執行,以鼓勵國內服務業者積極拓展海外市場、提升國際知名度及能見度,並進行海外布局。為使成功經驗能嘉惠更多服務業業者,學習相關海外行銷策略及實戰技巧,提升服務業海外行銷能量,已於12 月2 日在台北國際會議中心辦理「103年服務業國際行銷暨海外布局推廣計畫」,由參與本項計畫及成功拓展海外市場的業者進行經驗分享與交流,現場出席踴躍,總計110人與會。
此次發表會由連鎖加盟、資訊服務、文創、數位內容、國際醫療、美容生技等6個產業,透過實際海外展店或參加國際性展覽,由7位業界先進現身說法,分享國際布局經驗,其中森邦集團以旗下「費尼漢堡」於今年10月在上海展店,從店面選擇、門店施工裝潢、餐點價格訂定至開店服務等經驗與大家分享;王長發產業旗下的「丐幫滷味」,以其在海外布局的實戰經驗,傳授海外授權及員工教育訓練等訣竅;柏薇菈美容事業以台灣MIT微笑標章之品質保障,透過參與大陸美博會,成功將台灣美麗產業打入中國大陸市場;宏孕診所利用海外關鍵字廣告行銷方式,分別在日本、新加坡、香港、馬來西亞、越南、印尼等地以當地語言刊登Yahoo以及Google關鍵字廣告,搭配最新醫學資訊及各國語言的新官方網站,增加客戶們了解;桔禾創意旗下自有品牌Lucky rice,透過9月東京國際禮品展,成功的在展覽期間吸引買主洽談,達到行銷宣傳之效,也有助於提升品牌國際知名度;雷亞遊戲參加2014 GDC遊戲開發者大會,憑藉3款已經上架的遊戲作品及新作品「Implosion」,爭取到Google 全球開發者大會上僅有的2家遊戲合作伙伴之一;豐聯資訊參與福建海峽電子資訊產業博覽會及南京國際軟體產品和資訊服務博覽會,成功利用展覽平台進行國際行銷推廣。除7家業者現身說法外,另有六角國際、休閒國聯、控智應用系統、陳如薇設計實驗、富山檀香及摩鉅科技5家業者共同進行行銷成果展示。
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A headache is a pain in the head which almost everyone feels at one time or another. Almost half of all people have a headache at least once a year. Most headaches are not dangerous but they get in the way of your work and disturb your life. Although many people see a doctor when they have a headache, physicians normally cannot see any causes in their offices.
Types of headaches
There are two main types of headaches- tension headaches and migraines.
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Doctors, psychologists, economists and other experts have recently got together to find out what makes us happy and have come to surprising results.
One of the main topics was how to measure happiness. While some experts state that there are many ways to measure happiness, like capturing a person’s feelings, satisfaction in life or being healthy and physically fit, others say that you can’t really measure happiness but you can see it.
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The Maledives , a paradise with tropical beaches and pure white sand, attracts about 500,000 tourists every year. But the natural beauty of this island nation may soon disappear.
The 1,100 islands that make up the Maledives may disappear from the surface of the Earth in the next century because of global warming. According to scientists, the sea levels will rise by about 60cm in the next one hundred years.
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